Encora Academy 🤓🖥

2 min readJan 4, 2021

Learning journal — Week 14 takeaways

by Mayra Lucero García Ramírez


Happy new year to everyone 😁 ️💜 . May the force be with us and we get the most out of 2021!

The end and the beginning.

Last week was the end of the phase of Open Source, but it was also a week of holidays 🎉, we got “free time” talking about no task was specifically requested. It was our time to manage and to use it wisely 🤓🥸.

The next phase is Personal branding, I will talk about it the next week, wait for it 😁.

As this week was different from the others, this blog will be distinct.

This week, I focused on learning and re-learning about CS, JS, and Java, of course keeping an eye on the pr’s in case they needed a follow-up.

Java, JS and CS

I studied Computer Engineering and Applied Computing, for 5 years, but the tech world and the Computer Science world is huge. This week I refresh 📑knowledge that I had (about algorithms, types, data, DB, etc) and acquire some other in a more tidy-way. I don’t know if that is the world, but let me explain a little. There were things that I “knew” because I practice, or did projects but never read theory about them (such as no-sql, dom, for in, some vs includes, etc.), this week I had the opportunity to see it more academically.

I have read parts of Eloquent JavaScript and I will continue to study from this book. Also, I have followed two courses in Udemy, that I had in JS and Java from basic to not so basic I am practicing the languages (variables, arrays, streams, memory, performance). I have documented the projects that I have done for practice in my Github to both, JS and Java.

Regarding JS I have also keep following the free weekly courses in PluralSight, this week I watch React: The Big Picture. I took some notes, it is impressive the force that this library has had.

Thanks for reading!




Hi everyone I am Lucero Garcia 🇲🇽. DEV 🖥🤓. I also translate articles to Articulos en español in medium.com/art%C3%ADculos-en-espa%C3%B1ol