Fancy Topics 💻⚙️📢

5 min readOct 17, 2020


Learning journal — Week 3 takeaways

This week a variety of topics were touched, I really enjoy this week’s combination of technical and non-technical topics. From our place in the universe to the machine learning it has been a blast to learn a little more about this topics.

by Mayra Lucero García Ramírez


🎬 Videos

📖 Readings

Innovation, Inventing, Success & Us ⚙️⏳💡

🔗Pale Blue Dot 🔗Inventing on principle 🔗Moonshot Thinking 🔗What Got You Here Won’t Get You There 🔗Fast Company Exclusive: Inside Google X

This sketch resume everything I catch from the videos, and how innovation, moonshot thinking, inventing and success are related in some way. The most important things I got from this serie of videos is that failing is ok, as long as it is used to grow and be better. Also, that moonshot thinking is not think of others, we should not wait to someone else do it, we can do it ourselves but to do it we need a connection and something to fight for.
In addition to this, how success has a lot of this, but depends a lot of how we relate with others, and how coaching takes and important place in it.


Machine learning — Google ⚙️



La mejor presentación de tu vida 📢💬


This video really took me to think more on my lightning talks and how can I change some things to better deliver them. It has really good advices. The one that caused more impact in me was that we should not focused our attention in ourselves but on our audience.

As Enric Lladó mentions, the next presentation will be better.


Quantum ⚛️ ️

🔗The Quantum Conspiracy 🔗Dr Quantum 🔗Quantum computers explained 🔗Google and NASA’s Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab 🔗The future of programming

Even though I did not fully understood the formulas shown in the videos I got a lot of things from them. Mostly about the basic principle of how interferences is presented and how measurements causes the phenomenon of disappear it. Also, how superposition works and how this behavior can be used in computers, leading to quantum computers and the wide applications they can have, security, simulations, optimizations, and so on and so forth.


Creating a User-Based Recommender in 5 minutes⚙️

🔗Github Link

This lecture take me to know more about mahout and the dependencies. Mahout is a framework that can be added with Maven to manipulate data via algebra and mathematics in general. It was use to create a user recommender to understand and give an introduction (and help) to this week’s Java problem MovieRecommender🎥


Unit Testing 🧪👁️‍🗨️

🔗Test Driven Development 🔗UnitTest 🔗Xunit 🔗Mocks Aren’t Stubs 🔗Java Build Tools

This topic was my personal favorite of the week, mostly because I always wanted to know more about testing and this was the perfect opportunity.

I understood and appreciated more the importance of testing, and how is used in methodologies like TDD and XP and what objects are used to do them.

I related the TDD a lot with this week’s java problem, because we had to write methods based in a given test. And I like this methodology.

Some important think was that I had work with Maven and Gradle in the past but I really did not know exactly what they were of what they do.It was great to learn a little more about this.

I hope I can continue learning about this as it is my next lightning talk topic.


Missing semester: Editors (Vim) 🖥



Missing semester: Version Control (Git) 👩‍💻






Written by Lu

Hi everyone I am Lucero Garcia 🇲🇽. DEV 🖥🤓. I also translate articles to Articulos en español in

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