Open Source ⚙️🤓🖥

3 min readDec 28, 2020

Learning journal — Week 13 takeaways

by Mayra Lucero García Ramírez


The end of this part of the journey 🤓👀

I took time to analyze this phase, after the pull requests, the conversations, and the 1:1’s, this was a great phase and as always I will share it in more less the same way.

Thanks for reading!

Issues and pull requests ⚙️🤓🖥

This week I completed 2 pr is OpenDesk, one I had already mentioned last week and the other one was one that the owner suggested me to work with and it was, in fact, a challenge.

How I was trying to contribute ⚙️

For the first pr, I did a partial one last week, I was finishing some details and responsiveness within the page. I build this page from scratch.

After I finish this, I exchange most of the communication via slack with the owner of the repo, he gave me some feedback and told me some design changes were on hold but will be part of another issue later. In the conversation, he suggested the second issue.

The second issue was not exactly building everything from scratch. There were parts already develop that I had to use. When I was searching for them I encounter that in that part of the project the resources were not distributed in the same way. I commented this to the owner and mentioned the refactor approach he told me that the best was in fact to refactor what already existed and improve it, that the missing parts (calendar and details) had to be developed also.

Positive or negative results ✅

I do not consider negative results, nevertheless, I had some struggles with the second issue as refactor code took me time and the page needed a lot of work.

One of my struggles was to search for a date-picker. The owner told me I could choose any library, open-source of course, so I did research about it because the calendar needed to be very customizable. I picked materialUI because the project already uses it and no matter the library it would need work. The calendar was difficult to customize and I had to override a lot of things. At some point, it may be easier to do your own ⚙️.

Although all the difficulties, I consider I did a good job and it allow me to be more familiarized and comfortable with React.

I was planning to collaborate on another issue, in another project. I researched before starting the last one but I did not have much time after finishing it.

New knowledge🗒


This week I got back to the basics of JS, so I learned or re-learned about:

  • the local and global scope, how this works and the good practices related
  • the differences between var, const and let, why var is not recommended because of the scopes and to avoid errors due to its use.
  • closures, that essentially combine a function and the environment in which was created.
  • the console methods like log, warn, error, table, info, time, timeEnd, etc.
  • the different ways to concatenate a variable in JS
const producto = "producto";
const precio = "30 USD";
console.log(producto.concat(" En descuento" ));console.log( producto + "Con un precio de: " + precio);// template strings ECS6console.log( `El producto ${producto} tiene un precio de $ ${precio}`);
  • some methods and properties for strings like length, replace, repeat, split, toLowerCase, toUpperCase and the difference between slice and substring.
  • objects in JS, their creation, the difference between freeze and object and seal it and how to combine object in declarative and imperative forms.
  • the methods of the arrays and the difference between foreach and map

Final thoughts

I enjoyed getting back to the basics of JS, I discover some interesting things, even though some others may appear obvious it was a good exercise. Also, I had my 1:1 this week and I am working on my opportunity areas with the help of my mentors 😁.

Finally and although the Open Source phase will be over, I look forward to keep collaborating in open source.

Once again, thanks for reading and happy new year 🥳 !




Hi everyone I am Lucero Garcia 🇲🇽. DEV 🖥🤓. I also translate articles to Articulos en español in