Open Source ⚙️🤓

3 min readDec 14, 2020


Learning journal — Week 11 takeaways

by Mayra Lucero García Ramírez


This was the third week of the open-source phase. Like last week I had some struggles and learnings and I am going to talk about them in sections.

Issues and pull requests ⚙️🤓🖥

Like I mentioned last week, one of my initial issues is still on hold and might be close. Nevertheless, I searched and started working on new ones.

I have 3 pull requests opened and are being reviewed.

As I mention last week, the Bootstrap issue is not for my primary or secondary stack but it is being reviewed 👍🏽. The open refine project is almost approved, I am just making the final changes and the assertj issue is on hold to approval for the first part so I can continue.

How I was trying to contribute ⚙️

For the Bootstrap issue, it was a little odd. I first thought it was a JS issue but while working on it I saw it was more simple, just CSS. The main issue was to duplicate the behavior of the buttons so it complies with the w3 criteria.

For the OpenRefine issue, it took me a little more time. I had to mention that this project is made in JS and Java, my first and second stack. I think I can search for more issues here.
For this issue, the purpose was to construct a filter in the projects section for those users that wanted to search through the metadata of the projects in the table. I constructed the visible part with JS & Jquery. The filter was also a challenge. I started with a dynamic search using key up but the stack overflowed. I suggested limiting it to an Enter to start the search and make the changes. One contributor suggested a third-party library but after analyzing the behavior, the contributor was happy with the performance of the Enter event.

Lastly, for the Assertj-core issue I overloaded methods for AbstractCharArrayAssert, to this library of unit testing. The issue main goal is to allow to use boxed arrays with the primitives of Java: byte, short, int, long, float, double, char, String. I worked on the Char/Character array assert and my pr is under review to continue with Byte and Short.

Positive or negative results ✅

I think these week’s collaborations went pretty well, I am adding requested changes and I am looking for new ones to continue. I have one assigned in Brave Browser and I’ll look into it 👀💡.

I don’t think I had important negative results, the search has been a little more difficult as I am searching for more challenging 💪🏼 issues but I need to not go over my head.

New knowledge🗒

In my mentorship, the free Pluralsight free courses of JS came to the conversation. Until now I have taken the Javascript Generators and Iterators it was really interesting how they work, the characteristics ( value & property ) and how can they be paused and unpaused in execution. The iterators allow to go through a collection and the generator is associated with a function (like generating ids or random numbers). I am looking more into this topic 🤓.

Also, while working on the issues I looked into the

bind in JS. That creates a new function and assigns the this passed as the first argument.

var boundGetX = getX.bind(module);boundGetX();

flaky test 🗒

I ran into one in the contributions and look into it. A flaky test is a test that passes and fails periodically with no change in the code whatsoever.

Final thoughts

I have enjoyed this collaboration week 😁, I look forward to more collaborations and to search for more challenging issues. Also, I plan to do some more exercises 📑 in Java and JS with HackerRank and refresh some basic knowledge of both technologies.




Written by Lu

Hi everyone I am Lucero Garcia 🇲🇽. DEV 🖥🤓. I also translate articles to Articulos en español in

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